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Toilet Needed At Myrtleville

Writer: Online JournalistOnline Journalist

Writes Leo McMahon

Myrtleville near Crosshaven, one of the most popular seaside resorts for city and South Cork dwellers, needs a public toilet, said Cllr Audrey Buckley (FF) at the recent meeting of the county council’s Carrigaline Municipal District (MD).

‘There’s a building there that’s ideal’, she said and urged that this progressed ahead of summer 2020.

MD officer Noelle Desmond said a possible premises was identified and the matter referred to the council’s property section which would make contact with the owner but warned that it could be a long process.

Several improvements have taken place at the beach in recent years.

Cllr Buckley again enquired about a road and drainage problem at Weaver’s Point, Crosshaven. The issue was previously highlighted by Cllr Aidan Lombard (FG).

Senior executive engineer Madeleine Healy said the issue at Weaver’s Point hadn’t progressed much. She had spoken to a landowner regarding a drainage issue that had to be resolved before the road could be resurfaced but undertook to follow up on the matter.

Church Bay Road

‘With O’Flynn’s re-submitting plans for 40 apartments at the Drake’s Point/Brightwater site, we are asking that the footpath on Church Bay Road, Crosshaven be completed,’ said Cllr Buckley in a motion.

‘Soon, over 400 houses will be completed and still no footpath to the village. The health and safety of local residents and children needs to be a priority with the added traffic and bus movements on the road. We want the footpath anyway because it’s lethal walking up and down the road.’

Cathoirleach Seamus McGrath (FF), Cllrs Marcia D’Alton and Lombard spoke in support, the latter, wondering if there was any mechanism to proceed with a footpath and recoup money from planning contributions for the proposed new development at a later stage.

The engineer said she didn’t know the answer to Cllr Lombard’s query. In reply to Cllr Buckley, she said that as regards development or special contributions for the original Brightwater estate which was several years ago, it was probable all of these had been used up because a lot of work was done in the locality since.

Acknowledging the point made for a footpath, and undertaking to have another look, the engineer said everything came down to resources and what the budget for the area office would be in 2020.

Salting roads

Cllr Buckley asked if salt bins could be provided at Myrtleville and Fountainstown for spreading on local roads in icy weather.

The engineer replied that the council didn’t provide salt to individuals but bins could be distributed to housing estates at a small fee on foot of an application from a residents’ association. Use of the salt was the responsibility of residents.

Cllr Buckley said she was thinking more about having a salt bin at locations such as near the shops at Myrtleville and Fountainstown because such roads could become impassable due to ice.

Ms Healy said grit was provided at the car park in Fountainstown car park for rural roads in the area but it couldn’t provide salt. If the weather was really bad, the roads Cllr Buckley referred to could be salted by the area office crew.

Cllr Lombard requested that the R611 Carrigaline-Ballyfeard regional road be included in the council’s salting programme. It was a strategic route with several properties that would be isolated if the road wasn’t iced. Cathaoirleach Seamus McGrath (FF) spoke in support.

The engineer noted the request, adding that salting had already commenced adding that all roads the council grits were on its website.

Following circulation of a report requested in a motion from Cllr D’Alton, the MD agreed to invite a representative from the EU Projects Office to its next meeting to explain the €244,750 grant-aided CUTLER (Coastal Urban Development through the Lenses of Resilience) Plan under the 2020 Horizon Programme for Camden Fort Meagher, Crosshaven.



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