Writes Leo McMahon
A swimming hut has been installed at Fountainstown, just one of many significant improvements carried out by the county council’s Carrigaline Municipal District (MD) here and at other South Cork seaside resorts in recent years.
Cllr Audrey Buckley (FF), who had a motion on the subject, welcomed the news of its pending delivery at the time, adding that it was unfortunate that at present, there wasn’t a suitable spot for one at Myrtleville as it would prove popular for both swimmers and visitors seeking shelter.
The council has also delivered a grey concrete shelter incorporating a wooden bench at Roberts Cove. Concrete shelters installed at East Cork beaches have proved popular and it’s understood the one at Fountainstown with be painted with suitable marine graffiti art.

In a report to the recent MD meeting, MD officer Carol Conway said 50% of €30,000 awarded for works under ‘Measure ’ at Fountainstown under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) which have a deadline of December 31st, were completed.
She said that new bike repair station units were installed, vegetation and clearance work and walking trail work completed and there had been improvements to the public toilet which would be suitably painted. The swimming shelter was also part of ’Measure 1’.
Ms Conway reported that under the ORIS ‘Measure 2’, Fountainstown had been awarded €200,000 for 2024 which required a ‘Part 8’ planning application by the council that was currently being worked on.
Proposed works were: 1) A looped walk; 2) Biodiversity information boards; 3) Native hedge and bulb planting; 4) A road crossing from the car park to the beach; 5) Seating by the beach wall and 6) Landscaping at the car park.
The council Roads Design Office (RDO) would be lodging a ‘Part 8’ application for the looped walk which would come before the MD at its next meeting. The RDO were also involved with carrying out a safety audit for the crossing.
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