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LEADER Funding For Local Projects

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Christopher O’Sullivan has welcomed the announcement that a total of 159 projects have been approved for LEADER funding to a total value of over €7.5M since the launch of the programme by Cork County Council in 2017.

Mayor O’Sullivan said; “The LEADER Programme supports community projects across a diverse range of themes from rural tourism, enterprise and rural towns broadband access and basic services targeted at hard-to-reach communities. Projects cover rural youth, the protection and sustainable use of water resources, protection of local biodiversity and development of renewable energy. I would encourage anyone with new ideas to please contact your Local Development Company for information.”

In addition to the LEADER projects funding, a further €727k has been granted to 14 artisan, micro & small food producers throughout Cork County under a separate national €5M LEADER Food Initiative allocation. Funds were used to purchase additional product equipment, marketing & branding resulting in the potential job creation of up to 45 new employment opportunities.

Decisions on LEADER funding are made at a local level by the three LAGs which are sub groups of Cork County Council’s Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in North, South & West Cork. The Cork County LAGs work in partnership with six Implementing Partners who work with and support project promoters in each local community to bring projects to fruition namely, in South Cork, this is; SECAD Partnership CLG.

The LEADER programme 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, an initiative to support rural development projects initiated at the local level in order to revitalise rural areas and create jobs.

Overseen by the Department of Rural & Community Development, funding to the value of €13.93M has been allocated to Cork County over the five year period.

Cork County Council Chief Executive Tim Lucey commented, “Cork County Council is committed to improving the range and quality of community based facilities across the county and to realising many more projects during 2020. LEADER funding has contributed to a vast array of positive developments to date and is fundamental in helping communities bring great ideas to fruition.”

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