Writes Jon Mathers
A family of six had a close call when one of their Kayaks capsized in Cork Harbour on Sunday.
The double kayak capsized after being hit by the wake of a passing vessel throwing the father and his 4 year old son into the water.

Crosshaven RNLI volunteers immediately launched after being paged at 12.40pm and found the family ashore on Spike Island. The child was very cold after spending 20 to 30 minutes in the water and initially the crew were very concerned for his welfare. The crew warmed the child up in what was warm sunshine and continued to monitor him. Eventually, the Child was eating and drinking with no signs of distress and it was decided to transport the family and their kayaks back to their vehicle at Paddy’s point slipway
Crew on this service was David Venner in command with Norman Jackson, Derek Moynan and Alan Venner. Launch and recovery crew were JP English (DLA) , Michael McCann and Jon Meaney.