Councillor Michael Paul Murtagh (FG) and Councillor Seámus McGrath (FF) have requested that the stretch of road from the Shannonpark Roundabout to the Maxol Garage on Carr’s Hill see a reduction in its speed limit from 100kph to 60kph.
It comes following two recent serious collisions on the area of road, which is approximately 250 metres in length. At a special meeting of the Carrigaline Municipal District (MD) a couple of weeks ago, local councillors had the opportunity to propose a number of changes to speed limits in the MD, as part of Cork County Council’s Speed Limit Review
The review was open for public submissions and requests for the changing of speed limits throughout the county earlier this year. The last review that took place came in 2017, with Councillors eager to flex their ‘reserved functions’ which means that they ultimately have the final say in the decision, as opposed to the Council (Executive).
In the case of the stretch of road on the beginning of Carr’s Hill however, the ultimate ruling lies outside of the Councillor’s grasps as it is a national primary route. As a result, Councillors can only make a request to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), who have the final say on the matter.
Cllr Seámus McGrath had made the original request at the Speed Limits Review meeting, suggesting that there should not be three different speed limits between leaving Carrigaline, entering Shannonpark Roundabout, and exiting it onto Carr’s Hill. As things stand, there is a 50kph limit imposed until Carrig Na Curra estate, which then increases to 60kph from there until the roundabout.

Once you exit the roundabout the limit then rises to 100kph, meaning there are three different zones over the course of about 250 metres. Cllr McGrath requested that a 60kph limit be implemented from Carrig na Curra up as far as the Maxol Garage. He recognised that the TII had previously refused to grant this change in the past, but nevertheless thought given the recent accidents, it was warranted.
At the same meeting and then at the following meeting of the Carrigaline MD, Cllr Murtagh supported his colleague and requested that the members officially write to the Department for Transport on the matter.
Cllr Murtagh had attended the scene in his capacity as a firefighter, in each of the two separate accidents, one of which involved an elderly man, and the other a six-day old baby and their mother. It is well known that vehicles attempting to turn right into the garage pull somewhat to the left-side of the centre line to allow traffic behind to move up on the inside. This isn’t officially what is supposed to happen, in terms of the layout of the road, but nevertheless does and is a safety concern.
Both councillors agreed that in the interim, and even if the TII don’t approve the proposed changes, something should be implemented to ensure better road safety and care. The MD concluded the discussion by agreeing to write to the Department of Transport, while also putting forward their proposal to the TII.
Amusing Request Sees Councillor Call For Review Of Crosshaven Road Signage
Cllr Seámus McGrath quipped that members might think he has “too much time” on his hands, after requesting a review of road signage relating to distance marking to Crosshaven from Carrigaline. Raising the issue at November’s meeting of the Carrigaline Municipal District (MD), Cllr McGrath said, “you might say I have too much time on my hands”, with a wry smile and a laugh quickly following, “but this was raised with me, the signage from Carrigaline to Crosshaven, the distance signage is all over the place apparently, it says 6km in Carrigaline and then 7km further on and then there is another sign - so it's a bit all over the place and it was raised with me as something we could look at.”
The issue was brought to him by members of the public according to the Fianna Fáil councillor, who said he realised it wasn’t the most important item on the agenda that needed solving, but that he would appreciate if it was looked at. Senior Executive Engineer Madeleine Healy said she would have it checked, but couldn’t leave Cllr McGrath off that lightly, jokingly saying “maybe you do have too much time on your hands, I wasn’t aware of it, but we can have a look at it.”