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CarrigAlive - A Monumental Success

Writer's picture: Online JournalistOnline Journalist

Writes Barry Cogan

There was live music in abundance on the new bandstand in the Community Park, Carrigaline from 4.00pm to 8.00pm on Culture Night, September 17th. Trad group Torcán opened the proceedings followed by Richard O’Farrell with Éist, then Danny Dineen with Aos Dána and Umoja, a Carrigaline based West African Drumming group bringing down the curtain.

Meanwhile the well-equipped children’s playground was in full swing and the skate park was going non-stop. Carlos Paz entertained with some Spanish music in the parklet at the Pottery Commemorative Sculpture while circus performers entertained the children as they moved through the crowds.

Gallery Busy

The Owenabue Arts Collective was a hive of activity for Culture Night with their gallery buzzing all day and displays of art in many business premises and Art on the Rails at the Community Park. A demonstration of candle making and a potter’s wheel were given during the day.

At 4.00pm internationally renowned lacemaker Veronica Stuart and the Lacemakers Guild visited the Gallery to show and demonstrate their skills and due to the public interest they were still there until 8.00pm. They received a number of applications for membership. The Owenabue Arts Collective membership has also increased and now stands at 28. Enquiries Mary Murphy 086 322 0336.

Open Air Theatre

The audience that attended the open air theatre in Carrigaline Community Park on Culture Night were treated to a superb performance of excerpts from three of John B. Keane plays by Hunters Moon Theatre production. Produced by Philip O’Byrne and narrated by Dick Beamish the cast of eight excelled in their presentations of Sive, Big Maggie and The Field. The seated open air theatre was located in the car park between the gable end of the Community Complex and An Naionra.

Pic: Siobhán Russell

The mobile stage supplied by Hugh Shields was dressed to perfection with suitable props and with all the actors complete with head mikes, the scene was professionally set. The weather was ideal on the balmy evening and thanks to the Community Association all the facilities of the hall were made available. An hour of storytelling followed with Fionán Cogan and friends.

Tidy Towns

Carrigaline Tidy Towns unveiled their specially commissioned Carrigaline Pottery Sculpture at a Culture Night ceremony in the Owenabue parklet on Friday September 17th. The bronze, steel and concrete structure created by Mike Wilkins is grant-aided by Cork County Council. Liam O’Connor, Chairman Tidy Towns, welcomed the large gathering, his fellow Councillors Marcia Dalton Cathaoirleach of the Carrigaline Municipal District, Séamus McGrath, Ben Dalton O’Sullivan and Carol Conway Administrator of the Municipal District, Cork County Council.

He thanked the Tidy Towns Sculpture committee including two former pottery employees Thos Maye and Pat O’Farrell. He complimented Sculptor Mick Wilkins on his creation and thanked Cork County Council for their financial support.

The sculpture was unveiled jointly by the committee. Local historian Lesley Roberts, grandson of Hodder Roberts who discovered suitable clay in the locality and was instrumental in setting up Carrigaline Pottery, gave a talk on the history of the Pottery. Men’s Shedders Dick Jenkinson and Brian Clough presented a display of old photographs and pottery ware that was of great interest to former employees and their families.

Pipe Band

The Carrigaline Pipe Band enjoyed practicing and performing outside the Band Hall, to the delight of the audience, on Culture Night. Due to Covid-19 it was the first occasion this year that the band were able to play together. Performing is their passion and it is hoped the pipe band will get the opportunity to play again many times before the year is out. New members welcome, call to the Band Hall any Thursday night from 7.00pm.

Interesting Talks

Two interesting talks were on the programme for Carrigaline Culture Night. Dr Joanne O’Sullivan spoke at the Lios in Kilmoney on early settlements in the locality. At the Sail Garden Mick Hoey gave a talk on the flora and fauna on the Owenabue river. For those who missed the talks a repeat performance has been requested and may be given later in the year.


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