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Carrigaline Municipal District Announces 2021 Community Fund Allocation

Writer: Online JournalistOnline Journalist

The elected members of Cork County Council from the Carrigaline Municipal District have agreed Community Fund Scheme allocations for 2021 with members allocating €188,598 to a total of 33 groups across the Community Contract, Capital Fund and Amenity Fund streams.

A total of €42,900 was awarded between 10 Tidy Towns groups operating in the Carrigaline Municipal District to fund ongoing maintenance works and minor projects.

A further 10 sporting organisations were allocated a total of €100,000 to fund a range of capital works including car park resurfacing, improvements to playing pitches, and connections to welfare facilities. Through the amenity fund, €45,698 was allocated to 23 groups for a variety of projects including refurbishments, purchasing of equipment, and informational signage.

Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr. Mary Linehan Foley praised the fund saying, “Community groups and organisations are the beating heart of life in County Cork. They are always best placed to identify needs within their townlands, while providing support, purpose and amenities for residents. This funding will allow groups in Carrigaline to commence projects that will have wide reaching and enduring benefits for the people of South County Cork. The Community Fund Scheme serves as an excellent example of what communities can achieve with the support of Cork County Council.”

Cllr Aidan Lombard, Chair of Carrigaline Municipal District also welcomed the allocations,

“The Community Fund Scheme represents significant investment in the community by Cork County Council. It is particularly welcome this year, when fundraising efforts of groups have been hampered by ongoing restrictions. There was huge demand for the fund in 2021 and I hope that these allocations mark the start of a better year for all of our hardworking community, voluntary, and sporting groups.”

Chairperson of Carrigaline Community Association Michael Wall, one of the groups to benefit from this year’s scheme under the Capital Fund, noted the value of the scheme to community groups in the area,

“The Community Fund allocation for 2021 is very welcome and will enable us to carry out essential works to our facility that will allow us to continue to accommodate local community activities. I would like to thank Cork County Council for the financial support and look forward to seeing the completed works.”


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